Calorie Burned by Activities
To provide you with information on calorie burn by different activities, here's a general overview based on an average person weighing around 155 pounds (70 kg). The actual number of calories burned will vary depending on factors such as weight, intensity, and individual metabolism.
Calculating calories burned by activities involves assessing energy expenditure for different tasks, which vary in intensity and duration. High-intensity exercises like running and cycling burn more calories than moderate activities such as walking. Factors like body weight, age, gender, and fitness level also impact calorie burn. Using MET values or fitness trackers, one can estimate calories burned, helping to tailor exercise routines for fitness and weight management goals.
*Remember to fill the hours input field.
Result for Total calorie burned
Light Intensity 0.0
- Sleeping 0.0
- Watching television 0.0
- Writing, desk work, typing 0.0
- Walking, 1.7 mph(2.7km/h) 0.0
- Walking, 2.5 mph 0.0
Moderate Intensity 0.0
- Bicycling, 50 watts 0.0
- Walking 3.0 mph 0.0
- Calisthenics, home exercise 0.0
- Walking 3.4 mph 0.0
- Bicycling 0.0
- Bicycling, 100watts 0.0
Vigorous Intensity 0.0
- Jogging, general0.0
- Heavy calisthenics 0.0
- Running jogging 0.0
- Rope jumping 0.0